Conya Dental Centre
Location 地點
Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, HK
香港 尖沙咀 海港城
Client 客戶
Conya Group 康雅集團
Category 類別
Hospitality 服務業
Nature 性質
Interior Design + Logo Design
室內設計 + 標誌
Area 面積
1,000 ft2
Interior design is the most powerful tool when it comes to creating the right atmosphere. For a dental clinic design, apart from making the place as efficient as possible, designer also deal with the process of creating a calm and soothing atmosphere for patients. Also, dental care is no longer only a medical service and many people seek for dentists for appearance reasons as well. That’s why 5DS design team combines modern style into the professional image in this project, as well as give an exceptional clean and bright environment to customers.
While using white colour probably looks too traditional, the design team creates a gentle and calm feel by brown colour palette, which is often associated with resilience, security, and safety. Plenty of modern elements are added into the design to present a high-end and stylish feel.
Different layers combine to form the main wall with soft lights coming from underneath, and the couch connects to the tables seamlessly. All elements complement each other to create an eye-catching and comfortable environment.