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Mobile & Retro

Location 地點
HKCEC, Wanchai, HK
香港 灣仔 香港會議展覽中心

Client 客戶
Cyber Games Arena

Category 類別
Exhibition 展覽

Nature 性質
Venue Design 

Area 面積 
12,000 ft2

Technology is always full of incredibly creative ideas to make human’s life easier and more fun. It also leads to the advent of electronic games, which is an integration of imagination, visual art, and space. This electronic game exhibition takes you into the digital world and bring you an impressive experience of playing games in real person.

When you enter the exhibition, first thing one notice is the huge installation of Angry Bird and those “birds” are training how to fly farther. After walking through the training area, the icon of movie “Back to the Future”, DeLorean DMC-12, is just next to you and remind you of the old classic. While you are missing the old days, you will see another retro icon “Pac-man” is just in front of you and the coloured “ghosts” are as big as your size. “Tower of Saviors” is also a must-play game for all gaming fans. Its installation is set on the side and everyone can have a real battle here.

After such a long gaming journey, why not take a rest and sit down to see what new games are coming? Regular talks and presentations are held on the stage and give all of you more inspirations.

科技世界伴隨着的是天馬行空的點子,來到網絡遊戲展覽,當然期望有更新鮮的衝擊。試想想進入會場的一刻,就像跳進了手機屏幕裡一樣,首先你看到Angry Bird在仿草皮上練習彈擊力,穿過射擊場後再被安排坐上《回到未來》的時光機——德羅寧跑車DMC-12。




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