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Ngan Yuet Health & Beauty

Location 地點
Kolour, Tsuen Wan, HK
香港 荃灣 千色匯

Client 客戶

Category 類別
Hospitality 服務業

Nature 性質
Interior Design + Logo Design
室內設計 + 標誌

Area 面積 
300 ft2

Chinese have a special fondness for the moon and believe the full moon symbolizes harmony and peace. In regard to this traditional belief, the design concept of Ngan Yuet Health and Beauty is inspired by the shapes and colours of the moon. 5DS design team makes use of different lighting tricks to create a unique lunar theme, which combines both contemporary and tradition, and brings the moon to its interiors.

To simulate the night time, walls are painted with black and grey to create a dark environment. “Moon” is represented by a large, rounded, and black marble stone, which is hanged on each individual room. Soft light from behind highlights the aesthetic of the “moon” as well as the theme of this design. The black ceilings block the white light from behind to create an obvious contrast, which makes the whole place looks modern and stylish. The limited brightness also offers a peaceful and calm place for a nice relaxation.

By adding long light strips in the corridor, the environment is perfectly illuminated and enhanced by these simple straight light lines with the black-painted polished walls. Floors beside small stones are decorated to remind people of a quiet long river. Peaceful and gentle vibes combines with the contentment of full moon presents the fundamental of Chinese well-being concept. 

月亮往往因應光線轉變,而展現出各種月色。「雁月」中式美容中心的設計概念源於月亮形態,5DS 設計團隊利用不同的燈光投放,來呈現其獨特主題,並讓中式傳統得以現代化形式表達。




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